Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Hobbies”
Diversity is a Survival Issue
Whether you’re a radio club, a university, or a biome, you can’t afford monoculture.
Boss Fights: Why Making Games Is So Hard
Having played video games for almost as long as they’ve existed, blogged about them a handful of times, and even dabbled in developing them, it’s fair to say I’m a gamer. Like many, though, I often find the game development industry puzzling. Why does it take companies so long to make new games, why do they sometimes cancel or delay projects that seem to have so much fan interest, and most importantly, why does the business seem to breed so many scandals?
Playing Video Games with My Kid
Modern parents have a fraught relationship with video games. The popular view, at least among many parents I’ve talked to, is that these games are harmful and that we’re supposed to feel guilty about letting our children play them. High-profile violent titles like the Grand Theft Auto series feed this perception, even though those games are clearly identified as being for adults only.
Not everyone subscribes to the “video games are a barely tolerable evil” view, though.